12 Life Lessons – A Year in Review

1. When someone wants you they will look for you.

Gone are the days when you needed to hire a private investigator to help you look for a long lost friend, or distant relative. The Internet has made it easier for just about anyone to find you. If some is not looking for then that means that they do not care.

2. Know when to leave.

Throwing in the towel and letting go of a stress moment doesn’t not mean that you are weak. It shows you are brave enough to realize when you have reached your breaking point.

3. The more you feel like you have to try; the more you will suffer.

There is nothing wrong with striving for what you want, as long as you are not suffering for it in a way that is detrimental to your health.

4. Love is not enough.

We have all been there. You are in a relationship and you are in love, but then you start to realize that you are in love with someone who has different lifestyles and life goals from you, and it’s causing a conflict. And that is when it hits you…. love is not enough. Instead of wasting precious years in an unsatisfying relationship; it’s better to just move on and date someone else who shares similar life interests.

 5. No matter what happens; life always goes on.

Life is always consistent no matter what happens. The sun will always rise and set, and the weather will never stay the same. Hardships may be disheartening, but only you can make the best of your day.

6. Be the best friend that you can be to yourself first.

Diane Von Furstenberg once said “The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself.”  Many of us get caught in others instead of looking after ourselves. Lovers can leave, parents grow old and pass away, children get older and move out, and other people in your life will come and go, but through all of these life experiences, you will always be with yourself.

 7. No language is inferior. All languages are equal.

Well, let’s face it some people will love to show how well they speak a language; just to aggravate you, or just to show off. All languages have their own unique beauty.

 8. Proceed with caution, when someone from your past comes into your life again.

Remember that ol’ buddy of yours that got married and didn’t tell you, but bumps into you at a friend’s party years later and wants to hang out? People from your past should always be handled with caution; especially if things ended with a lot of drama. This applies to ex-lovers, and crazy relatives, too.

9. Listen to your feelings.

Trust you instincts. It is never wrong.

10. Your parents may not now everything, but they want the best for you.

No one likes being nagged; especially by their parents. Most parents want the best for their children (no matter how old they are), so it wouldn’t hurt to listen to their advice.

 11. Sometimes you have to look at life for what it is, rather than what it used to be.

Thinking about what life could have been or what is used to be is a waste of time. Being present is more important and productive.

12. Not everything in life appears to be what you see, have faith.

A lot of beautiful moments can happen to you when you believe.


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