10 Signs You Are Dating a Jerk

1. He disrespects you, your family, and your friends by being verbally and/or physically abusive.

2. Every time you meet up for a romantic encounter he insists on staying at a motel or hotel.

3. Constantly pretends he forgot his wallet or never seems to have any money thus having you to pay for everything all the time.

4. He doesn’t want you to know where he lives and whom he lives with.

5. When you ask him about your relationship status he either gets defensive or doesn’t give you a clear answer.

6. He always introduces you to others as his friend and nothing more.

7. Steals money from you from your purse.

8. If you call or text him; he either takes days to respond or doesn’t respond at all.

9. Openly flirts with other women either in your presence or online.

10. He treats you differently after having sex with you.  Whether you waited months to sleep with him or not, some men will just start to treat you differently after sleeping you. If he used to call and text you frequently, then don’t be surprise if he stops contacting you gradually. Usually the patterns goes as the following: if he used to call or text every day, then every day becomes every other day, then every other day becomes once a week, followed by once month, and then finally —POOF….WTF?






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