Yesterday was a sad day in America. I skipped going to karaoke because I wanted time to process. You might already be aware of the SCOTUS’ decision on Roe v. Wade. I’ve never known a day in America where women did not have that right because of my birth cohort. That settled law was older… Continue reading Opinion: What the Hell Went Rogue?
Secrets, Lies, and Desperately Seeking Lisa
Trigger warning: Some readers may find contents of this post upsetting. Proceed with caution. *Some identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the contributor. A fellow church shared a story about her friend who happens to be a distant acquaintance of mine at a church we attend. Her friend Lisa was going… Continue reading Secrets, Lies, and Desperately Seeking Lisa
Confession: Last Week I Wanted to Commit Suicide
Trigger warning: Some readers may find contents of this post upsetting. Proceed with caution. *Some identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the contributor. Over the last few months, my mind has been racked with intrusive and escalating thoughts to commit suicide. Ever since my lover left me to get back with… Continue reading Confession: Last Week I Wanted to Commit Suicide
An Extract
Have friends, Have many friends. Treat them well, Never to them your secret tell. For when your friends become your foe, To the world your secret goes.
The Case of the Lookie-loo
I see you looking at me, So what’s up with you, I’m interesting, aren’t I But I don’t want to be with you, You’re all talk, and no walk, I’m calling you out, While you’re out and about, Because it’s true, You’re a lookie-loo.
Can We Still Be Friends?
Recently, I let my true feelings be known to a man I adore but found out he’s unavailable. I’ve harbored feelings for nearly two years and decided to be brave. I should feel proud of myself for living my truth, but now I wonder if I made things between us awkward, or should I even… Continue reading Can We Still Be Friends?
My father never wanted me, He never loved me, In fact no man has ever loved me, The just want to play with me, I’ve been abandoned, I’ve been abused, Humiliated and ridiculed, I wear a ring on my finger, not because I belong to someone, instead I belong to no one, No one wants… Continue reading Unwanted
WisdomAndWhit Won’t be Returning to Social Media and Here’s Why
It’s been said we should not grow tired of doing good works. While this is true, the last few months have been very exhausting. Life has changed us. Effective February 27th, all social media accounts were deactivated/made private. We feel ready to close this part of WisdomAndWhit’s social media journey. What started as an idea… Continue reading WisdomAndWhit Won’t be Returning to Social Media and Here’s Why
WisdomAndWhit on Hiatus
WisdomAndWhit will take a break from social media and blogging until March 2022.
There’s a Reason Why Actions Speaks Louder Than Words
Just because someone says the right things does not mean they have the right motive – T.D Jakes Scripture says: “Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” – ESV 2Timothy3v5